Wednesday, July 3, 2013



05 December 2012
Sudoku 385
posted by jo @ 8:39 PM   0 comments 
30 November 2012
Sudoku 384
posted by jo @ 8:38 PM   0 comments 
25 November 2012
Sudoku 383
posted by jo @ 8:37 PM   0 comments 
20 November 2012
Sudoku 382
posted by jo @ 8:36 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 381
posted by jo @ 8:35 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 380
posted by jo @ 8:34 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 379
posted by jo @ 8:33 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 378
posted by jo @ 8:31 PM   0 comments 
posted by jo @ 8:28 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 376
posted by jo @ 8:26 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 375
posted by jo @ 8:25 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 374
posted by jo @ 8:24 PM   0 comments 
posted by jo @ 8:23 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 372
posted by jo @ 8:21 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 371
posted by jo @ 8:21 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 370
posted by jo @ 8:20 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 369
posted by jo @ 8:19 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 368
posted by jo @ 8:18 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 367
posted by jo @ 8:17 PM   0 comments 
Sudoku 366

Free math problem solver

Free math problem solver

The free math problem solver below is a sophisticated tool that will solve any math problems you enter quickly and then show you the answer.

I recommend that you use it only to check your own work because occasionally, it might generate strange results

After you enter your math problems, click on "Math Format" to make sure you have effectively entered the math problem you really want it to solve

You can also enter word problems, but don't be too fancy. Use plenty of math operators and keep it as simple as possible

If you want step by step solution after the final answer is entered, click on "View Steps"

This will take you to the developer's site where you sign in. A modest fee may be required to view all steps

Enjoy this online math problem solver!

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The formula for percentage is the following and it should be easy to use

The formula for percentage is the following and it should be easy to use: 

Study it below carefully before looking at the examples


We will take examples to illustrate.Let us start with the formula on the left

An important thing to remember: Cross multiply

It means to multiply the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of the other fraction

Examples #1:

25 % of 200 is____ 

In this problem, of = 200, is = ?, and % = 25

We get:

is/200 = 25/100

Since is in an unknown, you can replace it by y to make the problem more familiar

y/200 = 25/100

Cross multiply to get y × 100 = 200 × 25

y × 100 = 5000

Divide 5000 by 100 to get y

Since 5000/100 = 50, y = 50

So, 25 % of 200 is 50

Examples #2:

What number is 2% of 50 ?

This is just another way of saying 2% of 50 is___

So, set up the proportion as example #1:

is/50 = 2/100

Replace is by y and cross multiply to get:

y × 100 = 50 × 2

y × 100 = 100

Since 1 × 100 = 100, y = 1

Therefore, 1 is 2 % of 50

Examples #3:

24% of___ is 36

This time, notice that is = 36, but of is missing

After you set up the formula, you get:

36/of = 24/100

Replace of by y and cross multiply to get:

36/y = 24/100

y × 24 = 36 × 100

y × 24 = 3600

Divide 3600 by 24 to get y

3600/24 = 150, y = 150

Therefore, 24 % of 150 is 36

Now, we will take examples to illustrate how to use the formula for percentage on the right

Examples #4:

To use the other formula that says part and whole, just remember the following:

The number after of is always the whole

The number after is is always the part

If I say 25 % of___ is 60, we know that the whole is missing and part = 60

Your proportion will will like this:

60/whole = 25/100

After cross multiplying, we get:

whole × 25 = 60 × 100

whole × 25 = 6000

Divide 6000 by 25 to get whole

6000/25 = 240, so whole = 240

Therefore, 25 % of 240 is 60

Examples #5:

___% of 45 is 9

Here whole = 45 and part = 9, but % is missing

We get:

9/45 = %/100

Replacing % by x and cross multiplying gives:

9 × 100 = 45 × x

900 = 45 × x

Divide 900 by 45 to get x

900/45 = 20, so x = 20

Here we go!. I hope these formula for percentage were helpful. 

Basic math test

Basic math formulas

Find here a comprehensive list of basic math formulas commonly used when doing basic math computation 

Average formula: 

Let a1,a2,a3,......,an be a set of numbers, average = (a1 + a2 + a3,+......+ an)/n

Fractions formulas: 





Converting a mixed number to an improper fraction:


Converting an improper fraction to a mixed number:


Formula for a proportion: 


In a proportion, the product of the extremes (ad) equal the product of the means(bc), 

Thus, ad = bc


Percent to fraction: x% = x/100

Percentage formula: Rate/100 = Percentage/base

Rate: The percent. 
Base: The amount you are taking the percent of.
Percentage: The answer obtained by multiplying the base by the rate

Consumer math formulas: 

Discount = list price × discount rate

Sale price = list price − discount

Discount rate = discount ÷ list price

Sales tax = price of item × tax rate

Interest = principal × rate of interest × time

Tips = cost of meals × tip rate

Commission = cost of service × commission rate

Geometry formulas: 


Perimeter of a square: s + s + s + s 
s:length of one side

Perimeter of a rectangle: l + w + l + w
l: length
w: width

Perimeter of a triangle: a + b + c
a, b, and c: lengths of the 3 sides


Area of a square: s × s 
s: length of one side

Area of a rectangle: l × w
l: length
w: width

Area of a triangle: (b × h)/2
b: length of base
h: length of height

Area of a trapezoid: (b1 + b2) × h/2
b1 and b2: parallel sides or the bases
h: length of height


Volume of a cube: s × s × s 
s: length of one side

Volume of a box: l × w × h
l: length
w: width
h: height

Volume of a sphere: (4/3) × pi × r3
pi: 3.14
r: radius of sphere

Volume of a triangular prism: area of triangle × Height = (1/2 base × height) × Height
base: length of the base of the triangle
height: height of the triangle
Height: height of the triangular prism

Volume of a cylinder:pi × r2 × Height
pi: 3.14
r: radius of the circle of the base
Height: height of the cylinder

Have any questions about the basic math formulas? Send me an email here and ask me any questions you want about these basic math formulas

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